Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Square Inch Design

Square Inch Design:

I have found this blog that showed poster designs for children's stories which caught my eye.. i really like the simplicity, and they show the story in that image.. however, I wouldn't say there aimed at children, they wouldn't necessarily understand what the image meant, or see what it is.. though it is a really nice idea..

I found these letters there too.. which has given me an idea for my book illustration brief.. steering clear of Beatrix Potter illustrations, I could use type as an image somehow.. to get children learning to read and keep them interested..

Plate Designs

Much more investigation needed.. but I have decided on square plates for different reasons.. I have used square/rectangle shapes throughout my designs in this project.. and also, I have seen that japanese food is sometimes presented on square plates.. so I think they would be better than circular ones..

I have used the pattern from the food packages.. I want to keep the same pattern but slightly change it to make it look a bit different.. need to look at plate designs and more into japanese food, to see what works best.. 

Package Design..

Putting the pattern design onto some of the chosen packaging.. 
I need to experiment with the colour, as this is too feminine.. I'm not keen on it being pinks, as this would only interest women really.. 

I wanted to see how the pattern would look when the packages were made.. 
The typeface needs to change.. again.. it is a bit too feminine, and I want the food to be for both men and women, so it needs to be a bit more masculine.. which is difficult when using flowers I suppose.. this needs to be thought about..

Nutritional information needs to be at the bottom.. I don't think it sits right at the top.. need to look at other packages, to see how the information is laid out to get a better idea of how it works..

This would be printed at a larger scale, so maybe there is too much white space.. might have to change the handle, so that it is easier to carry as a bag package..
More information is needed.. maybe where the wine has come from and the taste etc..

Writing on the inside is the wrong way up.. this needs to change.. not seen in photographs, but maybe have the nutritional information on the bottom.. again needs to be investigated..
I like how the pattern really wraps around the packaging.. need to experiment with different colour scheme..

Difficult to see in image.. but I have changed the colours.. they look a bit more natural, and I am thinking about having an off white stock.. and look into foiling..
I have played with the scale of the pattern, which looks a bit more tree like, going into the distance.. this would need to be the same on the other packages.. 

Final Layout

After a few meetings, we have come up with the layout of the yearbook.. where the contact information will be sat and the statement and name.. 

There will be a line that stays on the same level throughout the book, to keep consistency, and the name will be above and statement below, either starting where the line starts, or ending where the line ends.. depending if it is on the right or left side..

Contact info will be in the bottom column under where the information is..

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Tree pattern..

For the packaging.. I am struggling to get the image right.. IDEA.. making the branches into a pattern that can be repeated and tessellated.. this is then easily transferred onto different packages and on origami etc..

Could come up with loads of different ways the pattern fits together, and add the cherry blossom to the branches.. more experimentation needed though..

How the pattern comes together.. I think it works really well.. I need to decide on how the pattern will be put together, so there is a rule.. and therefore the pattern will look the same on everything..

Did some experiment on the stroke, and added a rough texture, to make it a bit more wood like.. I don't think the thick stroke works as well as the thinner lines..

How the branch is made.. using guides and simple lines.. within a square.. could look into using triangles and rectangles and other tessellating shapes.. to see how this affects the way the pattern works and looks..

Some more variations of the branch pattern.. slightly different to the pattern above.. 

What would look like on the package.. need to print out and see how it looks.. need to work on what the label would say and look like.. will the label colour code the food types.. / what the food is..

.. Also need to think about the stock.. will being off white.. or whether the package will be printed with a background colour.. and if so, what will the colour be.. and if that effects the colour of the pattern..

Peter Rabbit

After the group crit, I have tried to design a new peter rabbit character.. I want to stay away from the beatrix potter illustrations, but bring peter up to date.. I have tried to make him child like, so that he would be liked by younger children.. I think he needs a bit more work..


After the group crit, I have decided to go along the lines of a japanese summer theme. The idea I have in mind, is using the cherry blossom tree to wrap around the packages.. but not exactly the same image.. but similar, keeping the consistency.. the inside will have a simple pattern using the same colours as the outside..

This is the package that would hold the drink.. the bottle of wine.. I have taken the image from the other 2 packages and transferred it across to this.. not keen on it being so big and taking over all the package.. need to experiment with scale and how this looks, as the package will be quite big..

Something that looks a bit more delicate.. not having so much block colour.. 
I have created an image with the butterflies and the lines.. maybe look more into this to create a more substantial pattern, keeping in mind the japanese summer.. 

This will also come with a label.. as will some of the other packages, so it stays consistent..

Friday, 24 February 2012

Context layouts

Slight change of direction..

.. with the images that will be on the packaging, and the overall feel of the japanese opera.. 
After the group crit, I have decided to down the lines of a japanese summer.. using cherry blossom, which is a well known japanese flower and quite summery..

With this I have also decided to design a fan as well as the origami.. which will also have the design on there, to make everything fit in..

The above design for the tree is too blocky and doesn't reflect the subtle japanese culture.. I don't like the flowers either, just no..

Here is have made the lines much more subtle and thinner and gave it a hand drawn feel.. maybe I could draw it by hand in inks to see what effect that will give..
The flowers look better, although I am still unsure about the colours..

Hand drawn cherry blossom.. 
It would be quite nice to see the different variations of the cherry blossom, whether it could have pattern inside on the petals, or how the colours can affect the way it looks..

After putting it into illustrator, I have found that slightly rotating the outline of the flower looks with delicate and works well with the feeling of this japanese, natural summer.. 

 So I have now drawn myself a tree for the cherry blossoms to sit on.. as I wasn't keen on the images done on illustrator, it just felt too much.. and I couldn't get the texture I wanted.. I want to move this image further by using ink to create different weight in line, as this is what it is lacking I think..

However, here is how it will look with the flowers on it.. I want to put some more lines in the trunk, to give it a bit more detail.. rather than a solid brown colour..

I could maybe add a couple of butterflies to the image.. 

The idea is that this cherry blossom tree will wrap around the packages.. but as the packages vary, they won't all look exactly the same.. 
The types of food in each package could be differentiated by colour.. so they aren't confused..

I need to decide on 2 or 3 colours for each package.. and how they will work together for the overall carrier package.. as each colour would then be seen on there, so it stays consistent.

Not laid out like this.. but these are going to be included onto the package.. need to think about how all the packages work together when put together, could have some fun with the image in that respect too..

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Peter Rabit

Quick experiment with an image of peter rabbit, just using rough shapes, cut out feel to it..
The image chosen is a well known part to the story of peter rabbit, where he gets his coat stuck in the fence.. need to work more with the colour and the texture of the image..

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Prints I like..

that could be used for my book cover design brief..

I really like these designs and pattern work that make up the image..
I also like the print quality on some of these, the rough texture and out of line.. I want to look a using one or two colours for my collection, and many of these use this many colours..

Bee things:

Delicious League


Emma Wallace


These book cover designs by Emma Wallace are very simple and to the point. It doesn't appear to show the title, but maybe the image speaks for the words.. the top = Evolutionary, middle = Fairytale and bottom = the separation..

Jon Gray

Really like these colours and the way the image is set out on the page.. this kind of look is what I want to get to for my second brief..